Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Homework Update - Wednesday 12/19

Green Class: Study for unit assessment tomorrow.
Don't forget to use the online book: . You will need the following information:

User Name: ALG1NY06
Password: 7a5174bd

I would recommend looking at the Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 review sections. You will see examples from each section worked out completely followed by other examples for you to try.

Red Class: Worksheet on multiplying and dividing monomials

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Homework Update for 12/18

All classes: SEP #15 is due on Wednesday!!!

Red & Yellow classes: complete worksheet on multiplying and dividing monomials

Blue & Green classes: complete review sheet

Green class - unit test on Thursday

Blue class - unit test on Friday

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Homework Update for Thursday, 12/6

Sorry for the delay in posts - it's been a hectic week.

Red Class - No homework

Yellow Class - Worksheet on Combining Like Terms due Monday

Red & Yellow Classes just took their unit assessment - check with your student and see how they did!

Blue & Green Class - Finish P.141 + 142 #1-31

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Homework Update 11/28

Red Class - Complete the angle relationships packet

Green Class - P.137 #2 - 24 even

Yellow and Blue Classes did not meet today.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Homework Update Tuesday 11/27

Red Class: Finish angle relationships packet. State Exam Prep #12 is due tomorrow!

Yellow Class: Finish angle relationships packet. State Exam Prep #12 and 13 are due next class... Tuesday 12/4!

Blue Class: We do not meet again until 12/4! Workbook P.135 & 136 #1-21 odd and P.137 &138 #1-23 odd. State Exam Prep #12 and 13 are due next class... Tuesday 12/4!

Green Class: P.135 & 136 #1-21. State Exam Prep #12 is due tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Homework Update, Tuesday 11/20

SEP #11 is due tomorrow for all classes except for red (Red does not meet tomorrow so theirs is due Monday).

Red - Parallel Lines cut by a Transversal worksheet (use P.50 in your comp book for help)

Yellow - Parallel Lines cut by a Transversal worksheet (use P.50 in your comp book for help)

Green - no new hw

Blue - no new hw

Friday, November 16, 2007

Homework Update for Friday, 11/16

SEP #11 is due on Wednesday 11/21!

Red Class - no new homework - be sure you have SEP #9 and 10 done and turned in and that your 4 homework assignments have been turned in!
#1 was the first page of the equation solving packet
#2 was the rest of the equation solving packet
#3 was the single page worksheet on complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles
#4 was the 2 page packet of practice on complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles.

Green Class - No homework! Be sure you are all caught up on homework and SEP's!

Yellow Class - Did not meet today.

Blue Class - Did not meet today.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Homework Update for Thursday 11/15

Red Class - did not meet today

Yellow Class - no new homework - be sure you have SEP #9 and 10 done and turned in and that your 4 homework assignments have been turned in!
#1 was the first page of the equation solving packet,
#2 was the rest of the equation solving packet,
#3 was the single page worksheet on complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles
#4 was the 2 page packet of practice on complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles.

Green & Blue: P. 125 #1-23 odd, #25- 28 all, and P.126 #29-32 all

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Red & Yellow: Complete the practice packet on complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles that we started in class.

Blue: Complete the 1 page on negative exponents from your workbook - section 8-3 #1-25.

Green: no class today - SEP #10 is due tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Homework Update from Tuesday 11/13

A reminder to all students: State Exam Prep #10 is due tomorrow! (Thursday for the Green class since they don't meet tomorrow.)

Red & Yellow: Complete the worksheet on complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles that we started in class. The only grades we have for 2nd quarter (besides this homework and SEP #10) are the equation solving worksheet and SEP #9. Is your work up to date?

Blue: Complete the 4 pages of exponent work that we started in class. This will be your 1st grade for 2nd quarter! Are you on top of your homework and SEP's 9&10?

Green: Complete the 1 page on negative exponents from your workbook. This is your 2nd homework grade for 2nd quarter (your first was Blue's homework tonight). Are you on top of all homework and SEP's 9&10?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Homework Update - Thursday 11/8

All classes are now working on 2nd quarter grades!

Red and Yellow - Finish up the equation solving packet by next class (Friday for Red and Monday for Yellow). Don't forget that SEP #9 was due today or yesterday if you didn't already turn it in. SEP #10 is due next Wednesday 11/14.

Blue Class - Unit Test was today - no homework

Green Class - did not meet today

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Homework Update - Wednesday 11/7

SEP #10 due next Wednesday 11/14

Red Class - finish odd numbered problems in equation solving packet

Green Class - took unit assessment today - no homework

Yellow Class - did not meet today

Blue Class - did not meet today

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Homework Update for Tuesday, 11/6

SEP #9 is due tomorrow for Green and Red classes and Thursday for Blue and Yellow classes.

Red Class - no class today - hw is still to finish the first page of the packet

Yellow Class - Finish ALL parts of the packet. Many students from this class came without their homework complete today. They worked on the packet all class long and homework was to finish it. If they seem to have a lot to do tonight, it may be because they did not do their homework last night.

Green Class - Study for Unit Test on Wednesday

Blue Class - Study for Unit Test on Thursday

Reminder for Blue and Green Classes: You can go to where there are many useful review materials. You can also view the online version of the McDougal Littell textbook using the Login Id: ALG1NY06 and the password: 7a5174bd. In the textbook there are chapter reviews (we've been focusing on chapter 4 and 5) and also sample chapter tests at the end of each chapter. These make great review materials.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Homework Update 11/5

State Exam Prep #9 is due Wednesday for for all classes! This will be the first SEP grade for 2nd quarter.

Red & Yellow Classes - Complete the front page only of the equation solving packet received in class today.

Bonus was assigned to improve assessment scores - due by this Friday.

Blue Class: Be sure that P.83 #22 + 23 is perfect!

Green Class: No class today

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Homework Update from 11/2

Sorry this one is a bit late...

From Friday:


Red Class - did not have class on Friday

Yellow Class - Took unit assessment today - only homework is to calculate homework average and organize their folder.

Blue & Green Classes - P.83 #22 + 23 - be sure it is perfect!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Homework Update 11/1

No homework was required last night!

For tonight:

Red Class - Took unit assessment today - only homework is to calculate homework average and organize their folder.

Yellow Class - Study for unit assessment and finish up all corrections and missing work.

Blue Class - P.64 #1-21 odd

Green Class - P.83 #22 + 23

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Homework Update 10/30

Reminder: State Exam Prep #8 is due tomorrow!

Red Class - get caught up on all missing work, work that needs to be corrected, and state exam preps before Thursday! Unit test is Thursday!

Yellow Class - no class today

Green Class - P. 64 #1 - 21 odd

Blue Class - no class today

Homework for 10/29

All Classes - State Exam Prep #8 is due on Wednesday. This is the last one that will count on your 1st quarter grade. Please be sure that you have corrected all of your other SEP's as high as possible, it will help improve your grade!

Red - No class today

Yellow - Get caught up on all missing work before Friday! Unit Test is Friday!

Green & Blue - P. 76 - Finish the page

Friday, October 26, 2007

Homework Update 10/26

All classes: SEP#8 due 10/31

Red & Yellow Classes: Complete the first page, front and back, in the review packet. Test late next week!

Green & Blue: P.74#1-12 in red book

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Homework Update for Thursday 10/25

All classes: SEP #8 due Wednesday, 10/31

Yellow & Red: Worksheet with practice on the Pythagorean Theorem

Green: P.74 #1-12 in the red book

Blue: Finish the slope/intercept worksheet